"I'm jumping in with everything I have, whether I sink or swim, at least I took that LEAP of FAITH!"

If not now, when? When I decided to finally write my first book, this is the question I asked myself. I was always waiting for the perfect time or the perfect opportunity to become an author. Well, that perfect time never came! I am here to tell you, there will never be the “ideal time” to chase your dreams, because guess what? Life happens!
There will always be something that makes you think or feel like now isn’t the right time. If I could give you one word of advice, it would be to LEAP! Start that business, write that blog, leave that relationship, go for that promotion… chase YOUR dream! Trust yourself, create a plan, work hard and tackle those goals. Have the audacity to believe in yourself, and most importantly the courage to LEAP into the future you are destined for!