"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."
This past year has been one of the toughest years of my life. About a year ago, I lost my mother-in-law suddenly, and that loss rocked my world. To literally have someone here one day and gone the next is definitely hard to process. She and I didn’t have the typical love-hate mother-in-law relationship. Our relationship was definitely love-love and we were very close. Dealing with my own grief and helping my fiancé through his loss has proven to be a daunting task, to say the least.
After losing her, I dreaded going through this season of my life. I wanted to sweep this season under the rug and not face the feelings and emotions that came with it. The months following her death were rough (and still are), but once I accepted that I had to live through this season and not hide through it, things became a little easier. I know it sounds cliché, but I had to learn to take things one day at a time and deal with the daily emotions tied to the grieving process. I had to live in the season I was in, even though it was an unfavorable one.
Every season in your life is not going to be like a bright summer’s day. Some seasons are going to be long, cold, rainy and dreary. But when you are faced with those harsh seasons in your life, I encourage you to stand strong, weather the storm and to live fully in the season you are in. Because the one thing about seasons is, they always change!